About East Bay Parks

Story About Us


Parks and Trails

We support thoughtful, balanced, adventurous policies and parks management that gives people access and recreation while protecting wildlife and preserving habitat.

Social Justice

We believe the parks should welcome and serve all communities, and relentlessly increase opportunities for East Bay residents to experience and benefit from our shared open space.

Shoreline Resiliency

We are committed to making shorelines resilient before it is too late. That includes expanding wetlands, creating new beaches, and creatively buffering vulnerable shorelines now, to avoid building levees later.

Events and Experiences

We believe our urban parks can host a broad range of activities, including citizen science projects, education, arts festivals, performances, workshops, volunteer events, competitions, and informal or organized gatherings of many kinds. 


We encourage people to actively enjoy our parks. We believe that people who connect with the outdoors are most likely to become stewards of it.